Prof. Swaran Singh

Prof. Swaran Singh

Professor of Social & Community Psychiatry - University of Warwick


Professor Swaran Preet Singh (MBBS, MD, DM, FRCPsych) initially trained as a surgeon in New Delhi, changing to psychiatry after witnessing the impact of 1984 killings on Sikh children. He has been a clinical
academic in UK for thirty years, pioneering reform of youth mental health care across UK, Europe, Australia and Canada.

He was a Commissioner for Equality & Human Rights Commission (2013-19), mandated by the UK Parliament. His current research involves improving mental health care for young people in the Indian
subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa.

He led the Independent Investigation into discrimination (including Islamophobia) within the British Conservative Party(

His eternal struggle is between being focussed and productive and wasting time on idle speculation and meaningless meandering.

When he can, he enjoys literature, poetry, theatre, blues, jazz, cricket, cooking, gardening and fishing. One day he will write a book on the meaning of life and create the perfect Sushi platter.

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Plenary Lecture: Journey from child to adult mental health services: a view from the bridge

  • 15 May, 2024
  • 11:00 - 11:45
  • Times Complex