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30+ Speakers

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15+ Main Sponsor

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Event Speakers

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Dr. Lade Smith CBE

President of the Royal College of Psychiatry

Prof. Roberto Mezzina

Chair of the International Mental Health Collaborating Network / Vice President of Europe World Federation for Mental Health

Prof. Rob Poole

Professor of Social Psychiatry at Bangor University

Prof. Catherine Robinson

Professor of Social Policy Research at University of Manchester

Prof. Swaran Singh

Professor of Social & Community Psychiatry - University of Warwick

Prof. Alberto Salmoiraghi

Medical Director MHLD BCUHB

Dr. Chloe Beale

Clinical lead for liaison psychiatry at - Homerton Hospital, East London

Prof. Peter Lepping

Consultant Psychiatrist, BCUHB

Dr. Andrew Molodynski

Secretary General of the World Association - Social Psychiatry

Brigid Bowen

Founder/Director of Compassionate Mental Health

John Jenkins CEO

International Mental Health Collaborating Network

Fiona Kettell

Operations Manager of Epilepsy Wales

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