
January 27, 2022

January 19

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We are Eventalk
creator Agency 2019

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What we do in this event 2019


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Live Workshop

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Award Prize

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Event Speakers

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Prof. Rob Poole

Professor of Social Psychiatry at Bangor University

Prof. Catherine Robinson

Professor of Social Policy Research at University of Manchester

Prof. Swaran Singh

Professor of Social & Community Psychiatry - University of Warwick

Prof. Alberto Salmoiraghi

Medical Director MHLD BCUHB

Conference Schedule

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Tueday, May 14 : Day - 01
10:00 - 10:15

Opening with Dyfed Edwards, BCUHB Chairman

  • Times Complex

Dyfed Edwards, BCUHB Chairma to open the conference

10:15 - 11:00

Plenary Lecture: What needs to be done?

  • Dr. Lade Smith CBE  
  • B.City Complex

Personal presentation about what can be done to overcome the problem of impersonal services with poor continuity. To talk about the problems in both England and Wales.

11:00 - 11:45

Plenary In memory of Franco Rotelli: the Impact of the Trieste model on services around the world Followed by Q&A

  • Prof. Roberto Mezzina   Prof. Alberto Salmoiraghi  
  • Times Complex

Impact on the World Health Organisation and the rest of the world, of the Trieste model and how it has impacted on many parts of the services in the world, including North Wales.

11:45 - 12:15


  • Newyork Complex

coffee and refreshments. (# water, tea and coffee to be available throughout the day).

12:15 - 13:00

Plenary Lecture, Compassionate Mental Health

  • Brigid Bowen  
  • City Hutt Complex

13:00 - 14:00


  • B.City Complex

14:00 - 14:45
14:45 - 16:00

Workshop 1 - Music for Wellbeing

  • Chris Lloyd   Fiona Kettell  
  • Times Complex

Chris Lloyd and Fiona Kellet

14:45 - 16:00

Workshop 2 - Integrating nature and environment into clinical practice

  • Dr. Emily Peckham  
  • Newyork Complex

Emily Peckham

14:45 - 16:00

Workshop 3 - Relational Practice and Homestead Community Network: What do they look like?

  • Dr. Rex Haigh   Neelam Khawani-Connett   Tim Makower  
  • City Hutt Complex

Dr. Rex Heigh, Neelam Khawani-Connect and Tim Makower

14:45 - 16:00

Workshop 4 - Arts in Mental Health - with Terri Howson-Griffiths Includes: Arts Council Wales overview across AiH/ MH Wales wide (Rebecca Hardy Griffith/ Arts Council Wales, Arts, Health and Wellbeing Development Officer) · Arts in Health overview/ MH focus across BCUHB (Teri Howson-Griffiths BCUHB Arts in Health and Wellbeing Strategic Lead Andrea Davies, BCUHB Arts in Health and Wellbeing Coordinator ) · Arts and Minds/ Baring/ Ty Llewelyn (Michael Davies, BCUHB Lead Occupational Therapist/ Ty Llewelyn Medium Secure Forensic Unit plus Arts and Minds yr 1 Programme film)

Workshop 4 includes the following lectures: · Arts Council Wales overview across AiH/ MH Wales wide (Rebecca Hardy Griffith/ Arts Council Wales, Arts, Health and Wellbeing Development Officer) · Arts in Health overview/ MH focus across BCUHB (Teri Howson-Griffiths BCUHB Arts in Health and Wellbeing Strategic Lead Andrea Davies, BCUHB Arts in Health and Wellbeing Coordinator ) · Arts and Minds/ Baring/ Ty Llewelyn (Michael Davies, BCUHB Lead Occupational Therapist/ Ty Llewelyn Medium Secure Forensic Unit plus Arts and Minds yr 1 Programme film

Wedday, May 15 : Day - 02
10:00 - 10:15

Introduction to Day 2 by Prof Maria Hinfelaar, Vice Chancellor of Wrexham University

  • B.City Complex

Prof Maria Hinfelaar, Vice Chancellor of Wrexham University to give a 10-15 minute introduction / comment on the event, to introduce the conference on the second day.

10:15 - 11:00

Plenary Lecture: Exclusion Culture in Mental Health Services

  • Dr. Chloe Beale  
  • City Hutt Complex

Exclusion Theme

11:00 - 11:45

Plenary Lecture: Journey from child to adult mental health services: a view from the bridge

  • Prof. Swaran Singh  
  • Times Complex

Transitions through mental health and continuity of care.

11:45 - 12:15


  • Newyork Complex

coffee and refreshments. (# water, tea and coffee to be available throughout the day).

12:15 - 13:00

Debate – Current inpatient care is intrinsically abusive. Moderator: Prof Catherine Robinson

  • Prof. Catherine Robinson   Prof. Rob Poole   Prof. Peter Lepping  
  • City Hutt Complex

Moderator: Prof Catherine Robinson, Speakers: Prof Rob Poole and Prof Peter Lepping

13:00 - 14:00


  • B.City Complex

14:45 - 15:30

Workshop 1: Plumbing not Pilates: Social prescribing is inadequate

  • Prof. Rob Poole   Prof. Catherine Robinson  
  • B.City Complex

Prof Peter Huxley

14:45 - 15:30

Workshop 2: Writing a grant application

  • Prof. Catherine Robinson   Dr Katrina Forsyth  

with Prof. Catherine Robinson & Dr. Katrina Forsyth

14:45 - 15:30

Workshop 3 - Is attachment theory the right theoretical framework to build the mental health services of the future?

  • Prof. Alberto Salmoiraghi  

Dr Alberto Salmoiraghi, Medical Director MHLD, BCUHB

Predict, Discuss &
Invent The Next 2019

Ticket Pricing

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49 $
  • Entrance dsds
  • Coffee Break
  • Certificate
  • Workshop
  • Prize
Buy Now


49 $
  • Entrance dsds
  • Coffee Break
  • Certificate
  • Workshop
  • Prize
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Personal Plan

49 $
  • Entrance dsds
  • Coffee Break
  • Certificate
  • Workshop
  • Prize
Buy Now


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Offcial Sponsors & Partners

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Tobacco Dock, London

PO Box 16122 Collins Street West Victoria 8007 Newyork

30+ Speakers

PO Box 16122 Collins Street West Victoria 8007 Newyork

15+ Main Sponsor

PO Box 16122 Collins Street West Victoria 8007 Newyork

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